From my Heart


Dear One,

How does life find you this day?

We try to connect as often as we can.  

Picking up where we left off!!

You have a beautiful purpose in your life. I cheer for you when I hear of your good fortune. I pray for you when I hear hard times have fallen upon your world. When the blessing of time in your presence occurs- I could not be more grateful. I care about every aspect of your world.

I came across this poem in Family Christian store and I have been trying to spread it’s message as fast as I can.

Tree of Life

Life is but a Journey to find our way back home, but we are not created to journey alone.
We are connected like branches of His tree, I am part of you, and you are part of me.
God has sent us Jesus to help us on our way, a friend and true companion so we don’t go astray.
The Tree of Life was planted in Eden long ago, throughout the generations, God’s love still makes it grow

I am Part of You.

 You are Part of ME.

This love between us is BIGGER than we understand.

It was designed;

Our connection is not an accident.


Right now my part of the tree is really compromised.


 By My loss….





We are So Very much connected.


Adversity, in it’s pain and ache is a time of


Last night as I was driving back from our long trip to Minnesota.

The end of the trip was treacherous, dangerous and our wipers iced up at points.

 Impossible to see….

ONLY what was Right in front of me. 


Every since Tony died that is what MOST days feel like.


Slowly-0h slowly- taking the greatest care to tend to what is in front of me….


Last night, I felt like everyone saw what I see in my grieving world-


Others were experiencing a view from my branch. 


We were fighting along, concentrating. Determined. Cautious. Hopeful.


Parts of the trip gave way to sudden brightness. CLEAR view suddenly returned.


Yet, today the bad weather remains. It is all around us affecting so many.


Storms last a while. Effects linger.


Yet, we are not alone.



are loving relief in our storm.

Your call when the ice builds up……weighing on my branches

Your visit when wind is whipping unrelenting…..

Your gifts to me and  the children at Christmas and birthdays-truly soften our sorrow.

Winter storms feel endless.

You are warmth in the Bitter Cold lonely times.

You are the JOY of safe harbor in a terrible storm.


I am seeing your life through my storm. My eyes are on you with love….with hope….




in the foundation of our Tree of Life.


Lovingly, Colleen

2 responses »

  1. Thank you for the beautiful way you allow us to see your view. I am praying for your family daily and hope that God will de-ice your wipers” or clear the road in front of you. Your faith and trust when you can only see right in front of you is inspiring. Blessings my friend!!

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